Ignacio Rovirosa is a missionary to the people of Cuba.  Ignacio was born in Cuba and came to the United States as an infant. He is happily married to his wife Sherry and has been blessed with 9 children. He has pastored Hispanics as well as worked with national pastors in Peru, Mexico, and Cuba. He has firsthand knowledge of the modern day spirtual warfare movement as he was trained in and practiced spiritual warfare. He has seen the tragedies brought about by this un-biblical teaching. He is currently travelling extensively as he raises support for his burden to reach the people of Cuba.
The Bondage Makers
Ignacio Rovirosa

The socalled modern day spiritual warfare movement has invaded the local church. It has come in quietly and has done great damage to many sound churches. This truly Unbiblical teaching has come in the form of self help programs, Christian Psychology, addiction programs, and many others. Is Spiritual Warfare valid today? In the true Biblical sense it is, but in the modern day version it is nothing more than an attempt to channel demons as well as another way to blame others for our own actions.

What is the modern day spiritual warfare movement?
What forms does it come in?
Who is involved?
Is it dangerous?
Who is at risk?
How secure is the believer?

These questions and many others are answered from the Biblical perspective of one who has experienced firsthand the damages caused by this truly ungodly teaching. There have been lives lost as a result of this teaching and many others who have been spiritually, emotionally, and physically harmed. Has this teaching invaded your local church? This book will prove that the teachings of the modern day spiritual warfare movement truly are Bondage Makers.

The Ignacio Rovirosa Family
Missions to Cuba, via Mexico
Ministry Website